Tesserae Viventes – Living Stones International Online Prayer Group
We are Living Stones around the World, who meet online and pray through art.Two Sundays a month. For Living Stones without a local group and for all people interested.
Where? on Zoom (an actual link is sent on request, see below)
When? 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, 19:00 CET (18:00 London/GMT, 20:00 Bucharest/EET, 12:00 Chicago/Mexico)
For whom and how to join:
If you either …
* would like to join a worldwide on-line prayer and sharing session and live the unity of the Catholic Church,
* would like to deepen your spirituality by getting inspiration from the Bible and sacred art,
* are interested in Living Stones but not connected to any local community (yet),
* are not any more in Living Stones and would like to stay connected and share the spirituality (adult in Living Stones),
* are in a Living Stones community and would like to exchange with others beyond your local community
… and want to join us, please …
* contact us via email at lsonlineprayer@gmail.com
* or sign up on this form: https://bit.ly/3HxnjuJ
* or follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pietrevive_tesseraeviventes/
Who we are?
The Living Stones Tesserae Viventes Core Team: Alessandro Parise (IT), András J. Molnár (HU), Elisa Pisanello (IT), Giulia Recanzone (IT), Michele Merzaghi (CH), Natalia Arévalo (CL), Nicola Tassinari (IT), Rosa Tanzillo (IT), Sabina Altea (IT), Simone Amato (IT).
Our group was born in 2020. We needed to meet and pray together despite the particular historical period we were living in. We found our “space” thanks to virtual meetings on Zoom; a “place” of 𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 and 𝑒𝑥𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒, an on-line 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑡𝑦𝑎𝑟𝑑 of (and for) Living Stones. Actually, thanks to the relationships created in that period between members of different communities, this group still continues to meet.
Our mission and activities:
We connect distant geographical realities and live the unity of the Catholic Church worldwide, through the official prayer (vespers) of the church in multiple languages (can be followed always in English and Italian). You are most welcome to join us to listen to our God’s Words through the Bible, sacred art and related explanations with background information; to challenge your soul with relevant questions to your life to meditate on, to share your own thoughts and insights related – if you like -; and to join us in the prayer intentions for the whole Living Stones network, for the peace of the world, and add your own personal intentions for our common prayer.
Online prayer meetings are led in English with the opportunity to read Vespers texts in your own language and share in small groups of common languages (usually English and Italian). Some of the meetings are more formation-oriented, these meetings are also led in English with the chance to read source documents, discuss, and ask questions in your own language.
Our service to the Living Stones network is mainly prayer, the opportunity to meet and exchange throughout the year, inspire new vocations, assist in the establishment of new Living Stones communities, and accompany those who are not any more a member of a Living Stones community but this spirituality is still part of their identity.
Additionally, we gather in person each year for a few days, usually during the summer, to nurture our personal connections, have common activities, including meals, sightseeing and service (2022 Milano, 2023 Torino, 2024 TBA). You may also meet us there, in person!
The next online prayer session dates – always at 19:00 CET (UTC+1h)
Sun, 6. Oct
Sun, 20. Oct
Sun, 3. Nov
Sun, 17. Nov
Sun, 1. Dec
Sun, 15. Dec
Sun, 5. Jan
Also, we expect to have our annual in person meeting between Nov 29 and Dec 1.