What a great joy it is to announce that this year’s Living Stones International Formation Meeting will be held in…LISBON (Portugal)… and IN PERSON!!
Welcome! Bem-vindos!!
This year, the main theme of the formation meeting is “VOCATION: an invitation into life!”
Like music, vocation is very much about time and about precise moments along that “sonorous line”. The line vibrates and creates a “sound” at a particular frequency, unique to every person who hears it. The sound it makes is an invitation to turn towards something which is vibrating with life; vocation is an invitation into life. Now, what this actually means and how it is expressed in art, popular and contemporary culture, and in faith, we will get to explore together in Lisbon!
**WHEN?** Friday 29 April 2022 – Sunday 1 May 2022
**WHERE?** CUPAV – Centro Universitário Padre António Vieira, Lisbon –
**HOW?** In person (limited to 100 places).
Option to follow a limited part of the programme online (some conferences and prayers). More info and registration on this in April.
**How much?**
70-80€ is the suggested participation fee (this does not include travel costs). Please, don’t hesitate in participating if the cost is a problem. On the other hand, if you can contribute with more, it is much appreciated!
> Please bear in mind: You only have to pay once the encounter starts in Portugal. However, we ask you to register only if you are committed to the encounter, as we have a limited number of participants and we cannot call people from a waiting list at the last minute (flights are very expensive when bought on short notice). So please, be mindful of other people who might be interested in coming.
We will announce the full programme closer to the date. However, it will be a mixture of moments of prayer and small-group sharing, plenary conferences, a selection of workshops to choose from, and will also include a formative visit (ala pietre vive) to one very important and special church in Lisbon.
Any questions? You can contact us through segreteriapietrevive@gmail.com