International Spiritual Exercises in the Swiss Alps

International Spiritual Exercises in the Swiss Alps

22-29 August 2021 | Simplonpass 2000 m ASL
Simplonpass / Passo del Sempione

Guides: Jean-Paul Hernandez SJ, Sr. Barbara Haefele sa, Andreas Schalbetter SJ

You are invited to participate in the Spiritual Exercises of Living Stones in the wonderful mountain region of Switzerland – on the border to Italy, at 2000 m ASL.

You can discover this beautiful mountain region of Simplonpass, pray in silence in the nature and meet young people of LS from Europe.
The common language for the spiritual instructions and Eucharist will be mainly English.

The spiritual accompaniment will take place in the following languages: English, Italian, Spanish, French and German.

For young adults ages: 18-35 years.

Info and registration until August 14th:

Cost: between 90 and 200 euros (financial issues should not discourage from applying) + travelling costs.

What to bring:
your own towel, personal medications, mountaineering or hiking boots, sun hat, sunglasses, raincoat, one litre (Pet-) bottle, bathing clothes (for a dip in the cold – there is a lake nearby) etc. It can get very cold and even snow at this time of the year – so also take warm clothes! Bring your Bible, notebook, pen and (if you have) Pietrevive Songbook. A food speciality from your region, your country for the first dinner. Bring hiking sticks (if you have them already). Money in cash (because there are no bancomats / ATMs) and, if you need, a kross Adapter Europe – Switzerland.

It is not possible to come one day later because of the dynamic of Spiritual Exercises. But it is possible to arrive one day earlier.

The “Spiritual Exercises” are in the center of attention. On two or three days we will hike together for about four hours (per day). Individual hiking is also possible.

Beautiful, silent location, accessible by public travel or by car.

Everyone is personally responsible for the insurance!

From Milano, Zürich or Genève: Itinerary with public transport: or
Train schedules might change. There are only a few good connections per day, check online.

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Living Stones