Summer Camp Santiago de Compostela

Summer Camp Santiago de Compostela 2019

Did you know? Last year, more than 327,000 pilgrims arrived at Santiago de Compostela doing the Camino. We at the Living Stones Community in Santiago are already getting ready to welcome those that will arrive along this summer and to share with them the beauty of the faith that our ancestors left us. Do you want to join us in this adventure?


What is the camp?

The Summer Camp at Santiago are two intense weeks full of prayer, formation and a strong experience of community life oriented to the welcoming and evangelization of the pilgrims and tourists that will arrive to Santiago on those days.


Who can participate?

Young people from 17 to 35 years who want to live an intense faith and evangelization experience.



You can join whichever of the two shifts we organize: from July 30th to August 12th or from August 6th to August 19th. It’s your choice!



In Santiago de Compostela.


How much does it cost?

140€ (travel expenses excluded). (But don’t you worry about that!)


What should I bring to the Camp?

Sleeping bag and mat, Bible, notebook… and the will to proclaim the gospel to your brethren.


If you have any doubts, want any more information or want to register yourself, you can contact us at


Info and registration in Spanish, English, and Italian.

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Living Stones